What other wheelchair manufacturers are available?

What other wheelchair manufacturers are available LIFE
What other wheelchair manufacturers are available

I’m Usa-chan, the “wheelchair x beauty” funny x model! In DisabilityLog, as a SNS influencer, I hope to provide lots of useful information for people with disabilities. I will also enjoy providing information about beauty, travel, sightseeing, music, photography, and other hobbies.

What wheelchair manufacturers do you know?

The electric wheelchairs I have introduced so far are from Yamaha and WHILL, but there are other wheelchair manufacturers as well.

The International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (HCR) is held at Tokyo Big Sight, and wheelchair users visit the event to find a wheelchair supplier that suits their needs and to use the information as a reference when purchasing a wheelchair.


So, in this issue, we would like to introduce the “other wheelchair manufacturers” that you have been wanting to know about.


You may be wondering what wheelchair manufacturers are available.


I am very curious. Please let me know!

Who are the four major manufacturers of wheelchairs?

Currently, there are four major Japanese wheelchair manufacturers (Miki, Kawamura Cycle, Nissin Medical Equipment, and Matsunaga Seisakusho).

Wheelchairs made by these top Japanese manufacturers undergo rigorous safety and durability testing in accordance with JIS standards.

About other wheelchairs

Most wheelchair manufacturers sell caregiver walkers and canes in addition to wheelchairs, while others sell only wheelchairs.

Other manual wheelchair manufacturers


MIKI” offers a range of wheelchair products.

車いす製品|車いすと介護用品の製造、販売 株式会社MiKi ミキ

Options include a wide variety of seats, cushions, tires, casters, and more.

In addition to manual wheelchairs, we also offer electric wheelchairs.

They have also recently come out with a wheelchair that can stand up.

In addition to wheelchairs, they also carry cane walkers.

Kawamura Cycle Co

Kawamura Cycle is a wheelchair manufacturer born in Kobe, Japan.


There is a lightweight system model, Fuwarisu (for self-propulsion and for caregivers).

In addition, there are also models for children and for entering showers for wheelchair-accessible bathrooms.

Nissin Medical Devices

Nissin Medical Devices offers a variety of wheelchairs, including manual, electric, and sports wheelchairs.

NISSIN(ニッシン)の車いす(車椅子) 日進医療器株式会社 | 車いす(車椅子)・医療・福祉機器製造

In addition to active wheelchairs, there were sports wheelchairs, children’s wheelchairs and baby carriages, Nissin recommended wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, wheelchair options and goods, etc.

Matsunaga Manufacturing Co

最適な車椅子を探す – 株式会社 松永製作所

We produce everything from parts in-house.

This makes it possible to create CAD drawings that show a near-complete product, and because we have our own parts, we are able to deliver faster than other companies.

Other Electric Wheelchair Manufacturers

Next to manual wheelchairs, we introduce electric wheelchairs.


Other than Yamaha’s and WHILL’s electric wheelchairs, what else is there?


What kind of electric wheelchairs does Permobil make?

電動車いす – 車いすのプロショップ「イフ」

The Permobile electric wheelchair is recommended for those who need to move seats.

Permobil Power Wheelchairs – 車いすのプロショップ「イフ」
北欧スウェーデンに本社を置く「ペルモビール(Permobil AB)」は、約50年以上に渡り電動車いすのリーディングカンパニーとして発展を続け、今では世界70カ国以上にグローバルな事業を展開しています。

For electric wheelchair users, electric sit-to-stand functions, including lift and tilt, are necessary not only to maintain and improve health, but also to enhance quality of life, right?


There are functions that allow this electric wheelchair to recline (the ability to fall backward), standing posture (the ability to stand) and seat elevation (the seat of the wheelchair can be raised or lowered).

They are recommended not only because they reduce the risk of secondary complications from prolonged sitting in a wheelchair, but also because they provide many social and psychological benefits, such as the ability to enjoy communication with a higher eye level, reach higher places, and promote user independenc


However, because of its high-performance features among electric wheelchairs, it is considerably more expensive than ordinary electric wheelchairs, and even with subsidies, it is still quite expensive, which can be a hindrance to its purchase.

Incidentally, the amount is said to be more than 1 million yen.

Now that you know more about other wheelchair manufacturers, what do you think of their wheelchairs?

I hope you will all try to choose the wheelchair that is right for you.

Past WHILL Model articles

Since “WHILL Model F” and “WHILL Model C2” have become mainstream, we introduced their “features” and “types of arm cover colors.

I introduced “mileage” and “battery charge time.”

The differences between WHILL’s electric wheelchairs “WHILL Model F” and “WHILL Model C2” were introduced.

[Complete Guide] A thorough explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of WHILL’s electric wheelchairs! Introduced about.

Past International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H-C-R) articles

How did you learn about the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H-C-R)?

What does it mean to attend an event? (H-C-R)

How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Kokusai Tenjijo Station)

How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Tokyo Big Sight Station)

Tokyo Big Sight Recommended Restaurants

H.C.R. Products About YAMAHA’s electric wheelchairs

H.C.R. Products Yamaha Electric Wheelchair About Color Caps and Spoke Covers


Wheelchair x Beautiful Woman
I'm Usa of DisabilityLog!

Providing useful information from the perspective of a person with disabilities in my life!
Wheelchair / Model / Blogger

Physical disability
Sightseeing / Travel / Barrier-free / Living


