Hello, My name is Art white. I just read your blog and I thought it was super nice. You are a great person and very funny, I hope you share more of your blog.

Hello. This is DisabilityLog, bringing you information for disabled people and caregivers to enjoy together. Thanks for your message. Where do you live? Is Spanish the official language? Can you read English without translation? Should I be conversing in Spanish? I just quickly looked at your Instagram reel. Awesome!!! How did you make it 3D! With what app? I wanna make one too!

hahaha many questions. I from Mexico.I speaks Spanish mainly. Although I don’t mind speaking English. Thanks for the compliments. I do the 3d in a program called blender is free.

Thank you for the feedback on my blog, I’m very happy to hear from people from overseas. Thanks for sharing the English article too…I’ll continue to post blogs in English on a regular basis, so please come check them out!

I really enjoyed reading your blog.
I hope to read it more often.

Art white
・23 year old boy
・from Mexico Guanajuato
・I am a 3d artist, but I also have knowledge of graphic design, traditional drawing, digital drawing, photo editing and video editing, among other things that I have learned to Over time
・I love to try new things and master them at a good level
・Art white’s SNS accounts:
@ArtWhite_ @art.white.3d
◆Official Links & SNS Accounts:@disabilitylog

I read in your profile that you live in Guanajuato, México. I just did an image search on the net and it looks like a colorful, fashionable city! Is Spanish the common language in Mexico?

Yes, I live in Guanajuato, it is a very nice place where many foreigners usually come to an event called Cervantino, or to celebrate the “día del muertos”. Yes! Spanish is the most widely spoken language. Spanish is the predominant language. But there are also people who speak English and it is more common than it seems to find them, because in Guanajuato it always tends to there are many foreigners.

¡Me encantaría ir a Guanajuat algún día! Voy en silla de ruedas cuando salgo. ¿Es la ciudad accesible para los discapacitados? Es un gran festival artístico mundial. ¡No sabía lo de Cervantino! ¿Es este el sitio web oficial? ¿Esta es la página web oficial?

¡Sabía que esa página era oficial! Está en español.
I would love to see how the town looks like!

Hey, I was reading that you asked me if Mexico was an accessible city for the disabled, the truth is that it depends a lot on the section of Mexico you go to. In the most popular areas it can be more accessible.

Oh yeah! Guanajuato is the most beautiful city in Mexico! Walking around the city sounds like fun. I’d love to travel there someday!

I’d love to hear your recommendations! I’d love it if you’d write an article about it sometime.

Thank you! Oh, by the way, I’ve heard of blenders. I’ve been curious about it for a while, always wanted to try it sometime! It sounds difficult, how did you learn to do it? Did you study on your own? Did you learn it from some web site or video? I wanna be able to make 3D too!

Really? I would love to get your advice! What kind of course did you learn? I’d love to learn how to make all kinds of things! I’m so impressed that you can do so well in 3D and even make videos!

I see! I’m curious what that course is like…Are you a student now? Or are you working?

Do you know of any video channels in English or Spanish that you would recommend?

That video can you translate it to understand it.

I will pass you some tutorials that helped me when I was starting.

Amazing~! Thanks for all the video links! Are they all famous channels for Blender for learners? Do you have any other video or website recommendations? In case you’re wondering, how long did it take you to be able to make 3D?

You learned it in a month !? Wow!!!

By the way, what kind of course did you study? Did you learn by watching YouTube videos first?

That’s great! You’re a hard worker!

Yes, it’s wonderful! Thanks for all the nice comments. I’m so inquisitive. Thank you so much for your help and advice. I’m so glad. Every piece is truly beautiful. So artistic!

I wish I could do what you are doing! As a hobby. I would like to post my works on my blog when they are ready. And of course, about you. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other! Do you work in the design field? Do you actively participate in competitions? I would be very happy to get your advice on all kinds of design-related matters!

Dare to do it, I know you can! Thank you very much for the compliments. Yes, I currently do marketing and I’m thinking of designing.

In case you don’t mind me asking, do you have a portfolio site or something? Have you won any awards or anything?

I don’t usually participate much in contests. I’m sorry, I don’t have a portfolio. I am a very changeable person and I am always changing my tastes. Therefore I don’t dedicate much time to something in specific.

I’d like to introduce you in the sponsor introduction section of my blog:) So far I’ve introduced two Japanese people, and I’d like to put up some foreigners who would be good friends of mine. I’m hoping to write some design stuff later on, maybe a while later!

I would love to be on your blog, it would be fun, and I want to help you achieve your goals and everything you want to learn.

You’re crazy good, and I’d love for you to use my blog as a place to post your portfolio work! I want a gallery listing! I mean, I’d love to post them! If you write an article in English, I can post it as is, and then I can translate it into Japanese and send out the Japanese version as well. I am also very interested in NFT. I’d like to do it someday! I hope we can collaborate on something!

Of course, I would really like to write on your blog, you just have to tutor me to do it correctly. Haha I am grateful that you consider me. I can contribute some of my work to your blog. Sure, we can do something together, you can give me an idea and I’ll do it in 3D.

Of course!!! I wanna teach you how to blog and stuff! I don’t know if I can explain it well in English… I’d love to have you as a blog member and writer!

Thanks for joining us as a blog member. What do you think about DisabilityLog?

That would be fun! Finally, what do you hope to accomplish with this blog?

I hope soon to make a blog about the “dia de muertos”

It is one of the most important customs in Mexican traditional culture, which aims to remember and appreciate the dead and share the joy of life! The decorations seem to be similar to those of Halloween, and we are looking forward to seeing what it is all about!