H.C.R. Products About the features of WHILL’s electric wheelchairs

H.C.R. Products About the features of WHILL's electric wheelchairs LIFE
H.C.R. Products About the features of WHILL's electric wheelchairs

I’m Usa-chan, the “wheelchair x beauty” funny x model! In DisabilityLog, as a SNS influencer, I hope to provide lots of useful information for people with disabilities. I will also enjoy providing information about beauty, travel, sightseeing, music, photography, and other hobbies.

The International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (HCR) was held at Tokyo Big Sight, and although WHILL was not an exhibitor, I saw WHILL’s “arm cover” that was being offered by a company called “Sinenth” and thought it was very nice with a pattern, so I decided to record it.


In this issue, we would like to introduce WHILL, the newest model of electric wheelchair that you have been wanting to know about.


This time, we would like to talk about “WHILL” including WHILL arm covers, etc. I once rode a WHILL electric wheelchair at a hands-on event! I’ll summarize my impressions, features, mileage, colors, etc.

I also ride an electric wheelchair, and I was wondering which electric wheelchair to choose when purchasing a new wheelchair in the future, the “Mr. YAMAHA series” or the “WHILL series”. So I thought I would summarize the color and features of the “WHILL” power wheelchair in detail.


電動カート・電動車いす レンタル取扱い商品 | 株式会社シンエンス
電動車いす・電動カート レンタル取扱い商品の案内。シンエンスは高齢者の自立を応援する電動カートのレンタルサービス、オリジナル福祉用具の開発・販売を行ってる会社です。

The company provides rental services for motorized wheelchairs and motorized carts (senior cars and seniors’ cars), and develops and sells original welfare equipment such as walkers.

At an event at the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H.C.R.), I learned that the company is a supplier of arm covers for the “WHILL” wheelchair called “Sinenth.

WHILLのアームカバーラッピングフィルムの柄 シンエンス
WHILL Armcover Wrapping Film Pattern Sinenth

The arm cover wrapping film is a new original free rental option for Shinens.

WHILLのアームカバーラッピングフィルムの柄 シンエンス
WHILL Armcover Wrapping Film Pattern Sinenth

The pattern is very stylish. Autumn autumn leaves gold cloud pattern, I want it very much ♡.


It is unfortunate that it is a rental item and does not appear to be for sale.

What is a WHILL power wheelchair?

WHILL is one of the leading brands of electric wheelchairs.WHILL electric wheelchairs are smart devices that incorporate advanced technology to provide high mobility in a variety of indoor and outdoor environments.

With a simple joystick operation to control the wheelchair, and a smartphone app to adjust and configure the chair, WHILL electric wheelchairs offer a high degree of independence and comfort, combining the functionality and design features required in a wheelchair at a high level. The WHILL electric wheelchair is available in a wide range of sizes and configurations.

The following two are the most common types of WHILL electric wheelchairs that are being purchased, and we will be discussing them here.

  • About WHILL Model F and WHILL Model C2

Features of WHILL Model F

WHILL Model F is one of WHILL’s power wheelchair models that is relatively small, yet highly maneuverable and maneuverable.

ウィル|折りたたみ電動車椅子|WHILL Model F | 次世代型電動車椅子 近距離モビリティ-WHILL公式
電動車椅子の概念を超える、折りたためるモビリティ、WHILL(ウィル) Model F。オンラインサイトでの購入にも、旅先や自宅など好きな場所で受け取れる日額レンタルにも対応しています。
  • Compact size and lightweight design

This folding wheelchair has small, lightweight wheels and frame. This makes the wheelchair not only portable, but also allows it to move freely in small spaces both indoors and outdoors.

  • Superior Mobility

Omni-wheel technology, which allows the front and rear wheels to move independently, is used. This technology allows the wheelchair to rotate freely in 360 degrees, making it easy to move even in tight spaces or around corners.

  • Smooth Ride

The front and rear wheels are equipped with a unique suspension system that smoothly absorbs bumps and bumps on the road surface. This allows for a comfortable ride and pleasant transportation.

  • Simple Operability

The user can move freely with simple joystick operation. In addition, the wheelchair can be set and adjusted using a smartphone app.

  • Supports long hours of use

The battery provides up to 12 hours of continuous use. The user can also check the remaining battery level, allowing for longer travel with peace of mind.

Features of WHILL Model C2

The WHILL Model C2 is one of WHILL’s most powerful and stylish electric wheelchairs.

  • High Mobility

It is equipped with a unique suspension system on the front and rear wheels and four omni wheels. This allows the WHILL Model C2 to move freely in tight spaces and around bends, both indoors and outdoors.

  • High Performance

Equipped with a powerful motor and advanced sensors, the robot can move smoothly even on slopes and bumps. The maximum speed is approximately 10 km/h and the maximum range is approximately 30 km.

  • Smart Functions

The wheelchair can be configured and adjusted using a smartphone application. It also has an automatic folding feature that allows the wheelchair to automatically fold up for storage.

  • Design

It features a sophisticated design, providing users with a highly stylish look. It is also available in a wide range of colors, allowing users to choose a wheelchair that matches their personal preferences.

  • Safety

The wheelchair is equipped with collision avoidance sensors and a sudden stop function. It also has LED lights and a horn to warn people around it.

Arm cover Color variations

各モデルを比較する | 次世代型電動車椅子 近距離モビリティ-WHILL公式

Arm cover of WHILL Model C2

Like changing clothes, the color plate can be changed to suit your mood or situation. As of 2023, the following 10 colors are available.

  • White
  • blue
  • Gray
  • Red
  • Black
  • Light Green
  • Light blue
  • Pink
  • Purple
  • gold

Arm cover of WHILL Model F

Like changing clothes, the color plate can be changed to suit your mood or situation. As of 2023, the following five colors are available.

  • White
  • Light blue
  • Red
  • Black
  • Light Green

I love the fact that I can change it sometimes to a different color to match today’s outfit!

It’s also a great gift idea.


WHILL Model C2 is better for those with mobility difficulties because it can go over 5 cm bumps, has high performance features in the smartphone app but is more expensive, is less prone to impact on bumpy roads, and can flip up the arm and transfer from the front or side. The electric wheelchair arm covers come in 10 different colors!

WHILL Model F can be folded and stored in the trunk of a car for convenient storage when going out by car, and it can also be used on bullet trains, airplanes, and trains for convenience and not getting in the way when going to a restaurant for dinner. The electric wheelchair arm cover comes in five different colors!

We will be happy if you learn about the features of WHILL Model F and WHILL Model C2 briefly and help you when you purchase them.

Past International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (H-C-R) articles

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What does it mean to attend an event? (H-C-R)

How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Kokusai Tenjijo Station)

How to get to the International Home Care & Rehabilitation Exhibition (from Tokyo Big Sight Station)

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H.C.R. Products About YAMAHA’s electric wheelchairs

H.C.R. Products Yamaha Electric Wheelchair About Color Caps and Spoke Covers


Wheelchair x Beautiful Woman
I'm Usa of DisabilityLog!

Providing useful information from the perspective of a person with disabilities in my life!
Wheelchair / Model / Blogger

Physical disability
Sightseeing / Travel / Barrier-free / Living


